We host races. We support races. We race.
Up hills, down hills, round tracks, circuits, and off road. We've even had our stripes represented at National Championships. Throughout the year we host a handful of races, across multiple disciplines and age groups. Our members also support grassroots and national level races through the British Cycling Accredited Marshal Scheme, as well as just being an extra pair of hands when required. All of our races are EPiC Kitemark certified.
All year
Exciting entry-level competition for novice cyclists under the age of 16.
Sign on: Herringthorpe Playing Fields, S65 2HR
Fee: TBA
Club Kilo
A flat kilometer to test yourself on. Beware of the sting in the tail.
Course: OC1kmHH
Sign on: End of course
Fee: £3
Club members only.